Sky Nelson-Isaacs is a theoretical physicist, speaker, author, and musician. He has a master's degree in physics from San Francisco State University and a BS in physics from UC Berkeley. The study of self-awareness has always been a strong interest...
Sky Nelson-Isaacs is a theoretical physicist, speaker, author, and musician. He has a master's degree in physics from San Francisco State University and a BS in physics from UC Berkeley.
The study of self-awareness has always been a strong interest for Nelson-Isaacs, and his background as an educator, scientist, software programmer, and speaker led him to found the Synchronicity Institute to educate, inspire and train a new generation of geek monks.
"Synchronicity is a serendipitous event that happened that actually helped that, you did not anticipate that actually helped you realize or actualize a desired outcome that you want. And so the context doesn't become clear until later."
"Flow in Mihaily's terms is an optimal state that we get into psychologically where our head and our decision-making from our head and is aligned with our decision making from our body. We start to lose track of time because we're doing something we love."
"It's our emotions that block us from flow when we are. Feeling like resistant to something or scared, or when we're feeling angry or resentful. these things stop us from being willing and able to move forward in a way that actually helps us resolve our problems."
"With synchronicity, what you're controlling is the meaning of the circumstance and the experience. You can't predict or control the circumstances at all. But we can be pleasantly surprised by the types of opportunities that come to us."
"Synchronicity is a program that helps us understand ourselves, helps us heal, grow, and adapt in the optimal way. But it happens through challenges because we have wounds that we're trying to get through. So we can get back to being more authentic people, back to who we came into this world to be. So the program is there to assist us in doing that work."
"What we anticipate becomes the Apple on the tree. The apples are the expectation that we will fulfill our quest. It becomes a thing that we're targeted for as synchronicity unfolds. But we were not always aware of what we're intending."
"The quicker I can go from grieving a frustrating situation to 'okay, what's next?' The faster I will accelerate myself. By valuing growth over accomplishment, I actually move much more quickly to success, even though I might lose this battle that I'm in right now."
"If you can have more awareness and control over what you FEEL, you can have more awareness and control over what you DO. And that leads to more success in various ways."
"Growth is both about changing the way we think and changing the way we feel. by removing certain patterns that aren't serving us."
"By moving in the direction of my intention, I'm increasing the likelihood of getting the experience I want because I'm moving to a part of the tree where there's more of those experiences that I want to have. The closer you get to the branch that has apples, the higher, the probabilistic outcome is. We're going to experience things that reflect what we've chosen so that we can decide for ourselves is this what we want to choose. Is this what's important to us"
"Keeping that momentum up means keep investing in the action. Yeah, actions that are relevant and then trusting that letting go of the attachment to a particular outcome and trusting that the one will fall in your lap at some point."
"Quantum mechanics is a study of what the world is doing when you're not watching it. Yes. How is the world unfolding when you're not observing? What I would advise is to recognize guys that you're in this liminal space where this is possibilities unfolding, and what you can do is invest yourself. Keep working, building that momentum. Think about pedaling a bicycle, keep pedaling your bicycle. You don't need to look back when you pedal your bicycle."
"It will unfold when the timing is right at some point, and in the meantime, who do you want to be?"
"Anytime you've experienced success, you've been in some kind of flow. You've been aligned with your mind and your body and your spirit to make something accomplished."
"It's important for me to choose the job and the career that I love, not just because. It's selfish for me, but because I actually have an outsized impact when I do that, I influence other people to do that. I also influence my field most positively, and I have a greater impact on the flow of the whole collective."
"With flow and synchronicity in general, I do what I can that's consistent."
"How we make real change in our lives is what are the things that we can do that are consistent, not what we think we should do in our heads. And we were doing to impress somebody else or prove it to ourselves, but what's, coming from our soul, our core place that's consistent. That will define who we are."
"Flow is about letting go of the worry about being in control. So when you're in flow, you might take control and you might let go of control and let somebody else be in charge. It's not prescribed. And this is, why it's not easy to achieve just with the set of steps. You have to drop into a relationship with your experiences and with other people to figure out what's needed in the moment."
Here are some great episodes to start with.