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Jan. 7, 2021

099 Andrzej Cetnarski - Protecting What Matters Most (According to a Cybersecurity Expert)

Andrzej Cetnarski is the founder CEO of Cyber Nation Central, a worldclass expert in VIP cybersecurity, ex-UBS I-Banker, Harvard MPA, and Wharton MBA. He is also personally passionate about consciousness and living authentically Links 🔥 Be the...

Andrzej Cetnarski is the founder CEO of Cyber Nation Central, a world-class expert in VIP cybersecurity, ex-UBS I-Banker, Harvard MPA, and Wharton MBA. He is also personally passionate about consciousness and living authentically



Wisdom Quotes

"You can buy insurance and you probably should buy cyber insurance to placate a board and to make yourself feel better at night, but that's not going to protect you from hackers."


"The moment you start the external, you start allowing the external world, dictating the weather inside you've lost"


"Create a a rhythm in your life on a day-to-day basis that really allows you to tap into who you are, not what the world is either a wanting you to be, or is requiring you to be."


"I listened to my body throughout the day and I listened to what's happening in my mind"


"I try not to be grateful for things external to me because those can be taken away within me that I can be grateful for so that I'm not tied to anybody else or anything for my well-being"


"Behave your way into feeling."


"When you up into a conversation you allow the conversation to flow based on the energy of the conversation. Not based on the titles. Not based on hierarchy, not based on I'm here because of XYZ."


"Don't allow others to make you feel anything, you yourself feel how you want, you don't allow the external world to dictate how you should feel."


"You never lose your ego, right? But you drown it out with purpose."


"Who you want to be really comes from your intuition."


"The process of meditating put me on a vibration that throughout the day, Allowed micro messages to come."


"I would listen to those small hunches and in and of themselves might not mean anything. But in totality, what listened to those more and more has allowed me to do is to become more prolific. I listening to my body and what my spirit is telling you without allowing this to drown it out"


"You don't learn that lesson comes back twofold, and then you don't learn that comes back two fold that until it becomes painful enough. How am I learning from the simple lessons in life become before they become painful enough where the stakes are really high."


"There are no failures in life only lessons learned or not learned."


"The mind is actually quite stupid, the heart, however, is smart. And so the more you listen to the heart and your intuition and guidance, the more you're using the mind as a tool, not be used by it the better."


"Once you've made your first million dollars, every damn burger tastes the same."


"Spiritual wealth to me is 'Am I living every single day in a way that brings a smile to my face throughout the day?'"


"I tend not to get myself around people that are too serious or negative. I'm allergic to both."


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