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June 14, 2023

170 Anthony Flores: Unleash Your Potential: Manifesting Your Best Life with Neuro Feedback Meditation

Today, we have the pleasure of hosting Anthony Flores, a Stanford Philosophy graduate and acclaimed copywriter.

What makes this conversation particularly thrilling is Anthony's remarkable achievement in the realm of brainwave and meditation records. He has surpassed renowned high performers like Tony Robbins and Jim Kwik, displaying brainwave patterns equivalent to those of a monk with 50,000 hours of meditation. It's no wonder he has earned the endearing title of "Gamma God."

Anthony's journey is a testament to the extraordinary potential of the human mind, even in the midst of a busy modern lifestyle.

However, his impact extends far beyond personal accomplishments. He is driven by a profound mission to create a community of conscious investors and entrepreneurs, utilizing technology and crypto investing to elevate global consciousness and drive positive change.

We talked about:

  • (0:32) Unveiling the Secrets of the "Gamma God" Title
  • (5:12) Exploring the Power of Neurofeedback Meditation
  • (6:22) Nervous System Insights: How Neurofeedback Meditation Works
  • (9:13) The Power of Sustained Higher Frequencies: Optimizing Performance and Unlocking Potential
  • (13:28) The Mind-State Connection: Understanding How Our Thoughts Reflect Our State
  • (15:18) Embracing Emotions: Differentiating Between Bypassing and Fully Feeling
  • (19:26) Plant Medicine Insights: Shifting Content and Embracing the Felt Experience
  • (22:24) Breaking Barriers: Anthony's Remarkable Brain Wave Achievement as a Householder
  • (26:25) Cultivating Joy and Gratitude: The Foundation for an Elevated Baseline
  • (28:02) Frequency and Opportunities: Exploring the Correlation Between Higher States and Manifestation
  • (38:48) Driving the Super Car of Your Mind: Applying Higher Frequencies in Everyday Life
  • (41:07) Breaking Through Boundaries: Anthony's Personal Journey to the Next Level of Brain Waves
  • (45:35) Morning Rituals: Brain Wave Modulations for a Mindful Start to the Day
  • (48:31) Gamma as a Manifestation Tool: Anthony's Insights and Techniques
  • (58:18) Anchoring Higher Frequencies: How Anthony Sustains and Embodies the Elevated State
  • (64:04) The Jedi Council Vision: Shifting Global Consciousness at Scale
  • (68:39) Joyful Discipline: Thinking and Acting in Alignment with Your Highest Joy



[00:00:00] CK: Today we have a exceptional guest on our podcast, Anthony Flores. He's a Stanford philosophy graduate. He's a renowned copywriter, and he's a gam gamma God in the world of brainwave meditation.

Welcome to Noble Warrior Anthony. Thanks for being here.

[00:00:18] Anthony: Great to be here. Thank you.

[00:00:20] CK: Awesome. So I am quite curious about how I was introduced to you, our friend, our mutual friend Dr. Drew, the chief architect of 40 Years of Zen. He called you a Gama. God. So tell us more about what that means.

[00:00:39] Anthony: Um, I don't know it, um, I can, I can go back.

So, gamma, you know, I think probably a lot of people, it's a newer brain. I mean, it's, it's a more recently researched and certainly more recently trained brainwave. Um, you know, for those of you who are [00:01:00] not, um, familiar with like all of the different brainwaves, they're, they're typically, um, there's a scale from like slowest to fastest with delta, which we, what we experience at sleep being the slowest.

Then data, which is where we're like drowsy, lucid, dreamy kind of state. That's, that's just above delta. It's a little faster. Usually like three to seven above data is al alpha, which is more of like a flow state, gratitude, joy, um, brainwave and then beta, which is what we're like awaken most of the time.

And there's, there's a range of. Um, of beta. There's some healthier sort of like flow state ranges of beta. And then there's some anxiety, sort of ranges of, of beta. Um, a lot of drugs. Uh, a lot of people are sort of indirectly, I think, familiar with brainwaves because, um, Adderall and Ritalin and, and sort of attention drugs will just artificially like stimulate beta so that you can focus a lot.

And that's, um, that's a [00:02:00] particular range. Um, and then above beta is gamma and that's like 40 hertz and above. Um, and gamma is a very unique brainwave state in the sense that, um, it's extremely electric and energizing and blissful, but it also, um, it's mystical. Um, but it's also associated with like high levels of cognition and um, you can calm also in it.

So the monks that they studied, for example. And, um, there was one study on this. Tibetan monk, they called him like the world's happiest man. Um, he produced high levels of, um, at the University, Wisconsin. He produced high levels of gamma, um, brainwaves, but he was just quite calm. And a lot of the monks in the studies, they would meditate on compassion gamma.

In high states of gamma, you're also, um, very compassionate and feeling like one with all, all beings and all of existence. Um, so, [00:03:00] so that's some context on Gamma. And then, um, I hadn't really heard of it when I first got into neurofeedback and brainwave training. I learned about it through Dave Asprey, uh, the, um, creator of Bulletproof Coffee.

And he had, um, partnered with a company called Biocybernaut that was doing these, um, intensives where for one week you would train alpha brainwaves and then, um, um, basically you would work with a therapist and you would do forgiveness work. So you would. They had a really unique process in the sense that, um, they used technology to like scan your emotions and they would see where emotions you were like in denial about, and then they would find things in your life that you could forgive that were sort of like connected to those emotions.

And then you would go and you would train your brain and in a deep state where you had access to more of your unconscious, you would forgive and you would see your brainwaves start to, to like [00:04:00] your alpha brainwaves. You could literally see them go up in real time as you forgave and as you let go of more and more.

And so I started doing that. Um, and it, I, I began sort of, I began unlocking this like gift for controlling my brainwaves. That was, that was a little bit unique in the sense that I could use, um, and we could talk about this more in depth, but I was using energy in my nervous system to modulate my brainwaves and so I could shift my state.

And then just move more energy and current through my nervous system, and that would give me higher and higher levels of alpha. Um, but I didn't really know anything about Gamma. Then when I met Dr. Drew, he was the first person that I met who could actually measure and train gamma waves. So I was like, all right, I'll try it.

And then it turns out that like what I was already doing produced even more results in, in the, in the gamma frequency. And so that just started unlocking and I [00:05:00] started. Um, cuz one of the things that's really cool about, um, neurofeedback is it's, it's in this process that we'll probably talk about more, it's an accelerator for, um, I should also give people some context.

Neurofeedback is essentially, um, It's, uh, technology where they put electrodes on the scalp and they read brainwaves through e e G. Um, and then, um, you get like a sound, um, that rewards your brain for producing more of a particular wave. So whatever the wave you're training, you'll hear more like chimes or bell sound, whatever the sound that's selected.

And then that reward like mirrors back, um, you know, like positive. That's how the brain learns. It's, it's, um, it's just one of the core behavioral models that the work is based on. And you see it, um, the brain once it's sort of locks in and it starts saying like, oh, if I, if I produce more of this wave, I get more, I get more [00:06:00] sound.

It just accelerates it more and it also gives you the ability. What I like about it is it gives you the ability to like try different things mentally and emotionally and energetically while you're in that training process. And you can see. In real time, what actually gives you more feedback, more sound, more of that brainwave.

[00:06:20] CK: Can you, can you pa can you pause real quick? Yeah. When you say mentally, physiologically, can you say more about that? What does that mean?

[00:06:29] Anthony: Yes. Um, because a lot of, um, it's easy to think, uh, in the context of brainwaves that, um, it's all mental, but in reality it's like our whole state affects, uh, the brainwave levels that we're producing.

It's not just what we hold in mind, it's what we feel in our bodies. It's even that the energy that sort of is in our, that it moves through our nervous system. And I think what allowed me to have [00:07:00] such, um, outlier results and neurofeedback is that I saw that very quickly. That like, whatever I would think would only.

Move the needle a tiny bit in terms of the feedback and the sound that I got. But if I like expanded my, my emotional and energetic feeling state, and I moved more, um, more current or more energy through my nervous system and through my body, that would like skyrocket my, my, my brain waves. And so that gave me like a greater ability to control and access higher levels of, um, amplitude and coherence in the, the neurofeedback process.

[00:07:40] CK: Hmm. Interesting. So this is my simple, my trying, trying to grasp this, the phenomenon, the phenomenonology of emotional state, let's say joy as an example. Uh, there is a, uh, brainwave component to it, [00:08:00] let's say Gama wave or whatever the wave is. Cause and effect can also be flipped. So I can actually intentionally think about a joyous moment, a joyous phenomenon, and then also trigger the, the brain wave as as well.

Is that what I'm hearing accurately? So it's causing it

[00:08:17] Anthony: back that's accurate, yes. Yeah. Forth. If you can, if you can consciously generate more joy or gratitude, um, like you would produce higher levels of alpha and gamma at the same time. If you train those and your brain just starts to learn, that will also produce like by um, just the optimization, like the increase in production of those waves, you will generate more, more joy and more of those, those feelings.

So it works both ways. You're right. So, so here,

[00:08:49] CK: here's the question I have as a follow up there. Is then putting yourself in, let's say gamma wave more mm-hmm. Would then sustain your joy. So for example, let's say I [00:09:00] have a thought of children laughing, or, you know, this one time I went to Joshua Tree, a burning man, whatever the case may be, is a joyous moment.

Mm-hmm. That is a trigger for my gamma waves to fire. And then through the, uh, repeated practice, then I can sustain that joy even without the, the initial trigger triggering memory. Is that an accurate reflection? Yes. Is that too much projection?

No, no. That's, um,

[00:09:29] Anthony: that's actually a huge insight, um, that you're, you're bringing up.

Um, And it's something that I've been considering more and more deeply because I think, um, one of the most, I think one of the, the keys to being happy to performing, um, at higher levels as a human being, um, if you believe in the phenomenon of like manifesting or attracting or however, whatever language, not everybody is comfortable.

For some people that's too woowoo. Some people, they're, that's all they, [00:10:00] that's all they know. Um, but there's, there's even, there's science around that. Um, in terms of what we hold in mind and our state sort of reflecting our reality and creating or, or, or manifesting. But part of, um, so much of that depends on your ability to stay in a continuous state, your ability to modulate your state, and then even, um, to be so strong in that state that I don't even think you, you hardly have to self modulate it.

It just self. Itself perpetuates. Um, and one of the things that, uh, I think one of the big gifts of brainwave training is, um, your capacity to sort of remain in state, um, uh, more continuously and, uh, to, in a more amplified way. Um, as I've gotten more into, uh, into this, uh, like, like for people, let's just take for example, [00:11:00] um, people who want, like, people hear, oh, if I hold something in mind and I feel like I'm already there, then that's the secret.

Like the, you know, to manifesting like what I want. But most people, for example, um, it's very difficult for them to continuously hold in mind and feel what they are creating without getting distracted, breaking the state, the, the rollercoaster of feeling up and down. But if you can control your brainwaves, um, You can essentially stay in a high state more, more throughout the day and more continuously, um, and in theory have more, um, creative potential to actualize like whatever you want because you're not, you're not dipping in and out of the zone like, like a lot of people are.

And your, your thoughts are more, um, I believe that our thoughts are sort of a byproduct of our state rather than a lot of people think of thought as the [00:12:00] creator of state and they certainly influence our state, but I think, um, a lot of times our, our thoughts are just a reflection of the state that we're in.

And if we can actually like raise our state, you'll notice that your thoughts can change almost instantaneously.


[00:12:15] CK: so there's a few different directions we can go with this. But I, so, so two things. One was a leading indicator versus a lagging indicator. That's one. Yeah. The second one I wanted to follow down, uh, the rabbit hole is the different flavors of states, you know, after repetition mm-hmm.

Or immersion of these states. So, uh, I'll, I'll start off with, with the first, so what you're saying is, um, a thought isn't a leading indicator of a phenomenology of joy as an example. It's actually a, you experienced this first, then it's a lagging indicator, then you have a thought. Is that an accurate reflection of what you said about that?

[00:12:56] Anthony: Yes. Yeah, exactly. And I think, um, [00:13:00] I, I mean it's an interesting, one of the, one of the ways I think someone can, um, can verify that is, um, a lot of times we see this in meditation, but we see this in life. We, um, we have a thought that we don't, uh, we don't like, or we don't maybe feel as, as supportive or aligned with who we are, what we want to create.

Um, and then, but what, what we, what happens is that we tend to identify with that thought and then analyze and dialogue and go and, and all the while it's sort of staying at the same energy level. And in general, um, we'll notice that the thought doesn't really, we're sort of stuck on a, on a, on a track of like, like a dog chasing its tail.

Um, rumination. Yeah. And, and what, yeah. What I've seen is that if I observe a thought that is like lower, [00:14:00] um, for me, like you said, it's a, um, it's a lagging indicator of the state that I'm in. And then I have just the, the, what I've been talking about in terms of developed the capacity to be like, oh, well, I can just energize my state.

More, I don't, I don't need to care. I don't need to give the thought any concern at all. I can actually just energize my state of being more. And then immediately what I'll notice is that that thought becomes irrelevant and like new thoughts, uh, will appear on the screen of consciousness that have nothing to do with that, and that are much more supportive or aligned or, or, um, in synchrony with what I want to create.

And so that is, um, yeah. So I think we're saying the same thing, but I'm just deepening the explanation.

[00:14:51] CK: Absolutely. I mean, that's, that's why you are the, the guest. I wanna understand how, how you think about, about [00:15:00] this. So, on the surface though, some people may say, Hey, but that's bypassing. You're, you're actually ignoring the thoughts, the content of what's going on, rather than.

You know, embrace it. Loving it. Yeah. Treating it and feel it fully. So can you say a little bit more about how that is or that is not bypassing?

[00:15:26] Anthony: Yeah, that's a good, um, that's a good point. Um, I would say that most thought is actually like bypassing, uh, I would say 99.9999% of our, our thought is actually, um, emotional and energetic and like state bypassing, and that we get caught in this, um, maze or, um, uh, like dog chasing its tail circle of analyzing and [00:16:00] interacting with our thoughts as a way to avoid feeling what's going on beneath the, the beneath the layer of thought.

And, um, you don't always have to go. Like, you know, I can have a thought that is low or, um, uninspired or, or negative. Um, and I don't have to immediately shift my energy into a high state. I can also say, okay, like, what's beneath that thought? How do I feel beneath that? And then go into the emotion, the underlying emotional state that is beneath that thought, feel into that, um, feel that fully, uh, allow that to transform or to alchemize, and then that will also transform the state that you're in and then also produce new thoughts.

My point is that thought is like almost never the, the, the thing to look at and the content, especially like thought is an [00:17:00] energy and then thought has content. Um, I think if you think of, or if you look at it more energetically and you treat it more energetically as a process versus. As a a con, the, the content I just think is mostly irrelevant.

Um, it, yeah. And so for all the reasons that, for all the reasons that I've explained and I've made the most progress, and you really see that's where, where I like about this brainwave process and training process that I've been talking about is that, um, you really see, uh, there's no change in your, there's very little change and it's like, it's very, um, brainwaves are suppressed when you're interacting with the content layer of thoughts.

But when you address and you confront sort of the energetic of thoughts and the emotions, like I was just saying, and sort of the whole, the whole aspect of your state, that's when you have the breakthroughs and you really see like your, your brainwaves will [00:18:00] shoot up, uh, exponentially at that


[00:18:03] CK: So there are a lot of different schools of thought when it comes to. Shall we say consciousness development, spirituality development, all these things. Um, so I'll, I'll share a quick story about myself. So I started thinking about using the mind, you know, using the rational mind to unpack whatever was stopping me, my limiting belief, all these things. And the more I did it useful but not as useful as I would want, cuz then I realized I was just psychoanalyzing that creating more and more content Yes.

Rather than really getting to the root of it. And, and then, then later on I realized it is the felt experience, right? That deeper stuff, the emotions, the, all these other things that ultimately helped me unlocked the things I kept being stuck for all these years. So, um, these days part of my principles that I teach is, hey, It [00:19:00] doesn't matter why you have certain content, it's more important that you process them.

Yeah. You, you experience it fully. And that's actually the more direct way rather than trying to analyze like, oh, why did I have that thought? Was it because of my childhood trauma? Or what's the origin story? And was, you know, all that narratives to me, again, useful but not, uh, the most direct way to do that.

[00:19:23] Anthony: Yeah. And you, you've, um, we, we've talked about this a bit, but I know you have experience in like plant medicine and you've done research on that. And I think anybody who's done, uh, whether it's ayahuasca and b m or ketamine or whatever the, the, those, um, psychedelic, um, compounds that they've tried, one of the things that I think to me is like very obvious about that experience or those experiences and like why they're so powerful is that I think, um, it dials up our.

It's energetic and emotional [00:20:00] sensitivity, and it sort of dials down our, our level of attachment to the, to the content. I think most people walk around so fixated on content and so disconnected from the felt experience and, and it's in a psychedelic experience. You're like, well, no, here's all like way more sensory information, way more energetic information, way more emotional information.

And then all of a sudden it's not like the content disappears, but then it's like you just see that the content just is such a, uh, one ingredient and this like vast recipe of like the, of the experience. And so it's like, it has, its, it goes into its proper place in that, in that way versus, um, the way that it dominates the typical human experience.

And then that allows for really profound experiences and breakthroughs.

[00:20:55] CK: So, I, well, let me ask you, go back to the bio [00:21:00] that you sent me. You said that you have set records when it comes to brainwave, uh, what do you call it? Brainwave. Meditative state, and yes. Number one, I didn't know that there's such thing as a world recorder of sorts.

[00:21:13] Anthony: It's not a world, I mean, I don't, don't, I don't think it's a world record. It's a record in, uh, so in a lot of these trainings that I, I'll explain it. Um, a lot of these trainings that I've done, they have had really, um, amazing people. Like one of 'em, the first one that I mentioned, bio Cyber Not, has had like Tony Robbins and Jim Quick and, um, you know, really, uh, impressive people.

Um, you know, politicians, a lot of, lot of amazing people. And then, um, 40 Years of Zen has also had a lot of impressive people come through that. And so of all the people that have, um, have come through those trainings, uh, To my knowledge, like I had the highest gamma, [00:22:00] uh, alpha and delta brainwaves of like, of that were recorded in those.

So it's sort of like records for those, um, trainings. Honestly, I think that there's, um, there's probably masters and monks and like gurus out there that have way higher, um, you know, gamma levels or delta levels or alpha levels than I do. I think what's unique about me is that I haven't done the 50,000 hours.

I haven't sat in a cave for decades or been in an ashram forever. And, um, like I, I have a normal life and sort of I found what appears to be more like a potential shortcut. I think most people are interested in like, well, I'm never gonna go and um, and be a monk. I have to have a family. I have bills to pay, uh, relationship.

I've gotta live in the world. So how do I find peace? Uh, enjoy in the midst of like my everyday life and experience. And [00:23:00] my hope is, is that I can help, you know, speak to that more for people and how they can get there. Um, and whatever is like their highest potential, uh, you know, more directly.

[00:23:11] CK: Yeah. Thank you for that.

Uh, the householder path versus the Yes. The monastic path, right? Yes. To be of the world. To be in the world rather than to, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? To, uh,

give up in the world. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.

Altogether. So, um, you have an Owens. You, okay? So, so tell us a little bit more about the journey, the subjective experience, right?

Because you weren't always a master of brainwave meditative states, right? And then you to. Years, months, however many times of cultivation, and then you achieve, quote unquote, these states, these really high, uh, states in alpha and gamma and all these things. Just explain to us a little bit of, okay, so this is who I was before the [00:24:00] subjective experiences this, and now through the progression of this, and this is what it feels like today.

[00:24:06] Anthony: Yeah, yeah. Before, um, um, I think I was always like a kind person, always like, and I was pretty, pretty good probably at like, just being calm and not, not being too anxious or stressed out. But I definitely did feel anxiety. There was, like, before I did my first, um, brainwave training, I was like, uh, I'd gotten out of a long relationship and um, my business had gone down and I was like, ver taking a lot of caffeine, like concentrated super, super concentrated coffee.

Um, Madil, which is like a wakefulness drug that some biohackers take is pretty strong. And then, um, even a tiny bit sometimes of like Adderall on top of that. Um, and so I was like on a fast track to really like burn out and just, and wreck my, my nervous system. Luckily I was floating [00:25:00] a lot at the time when I was doing that.

And that was sort of like one of the early floating is in flow tanks, right? Yeah. Flow tanks, yes. Sensory deprivation, which mm-hmm. Um, for people who, who can't access like neurofeedback, um, there is some really interesting technology coming out later that we'll talk about more, but, um, uh, but for anyone who, who, you know, the clinical neurofeedback is kind of hit or miss, um, I don't necessarily always recommend that.

Like you've gotta find the right, right practitioner. Um, and, and these intensives are, are quite expensive. You know, they can be 10,000 or $15,000 for the week, so it's not in everyone's. Budget. But, um, flow tanks I think really helped me do, I was doing it like a few times a week, um, during the stressful period and for months, for many months.

And that I think, um, really helped my nervous system and deepened my, my meditative capacities a lot. So I, I highly [00:26:00] recommend that. But, um, yeah, it was sort of all over the place. My life is very, my life was very chaotic. I wasn't able to, um, make the changes that I wanted. Um, but after the first experience that I had, I experienced a big shift in my, just my, one of the most powerful things about this journey is like just your, your, your baseline.

It's one thing to be able to like control your brain waves or go to highs, but what's actually more important is, um, just having a higher baseline of, of joy, a higher baseline of gratitude, a higher baseline of, um, Of peace or calm. Um, and that's a lot of what, um, I observed as I do these things during the week of training, I would experience these like extraordinary mystical experiences and these huge highs, but what, um, and I could, I could go back to those through like my ability to control my brainwaves, but what I found to be more valuable was just being in a higher baseline [00:27:00] state of happiness.

Um, to where, you know, as I progressed over time, and this is like where it's at now, is that I just don't ever really get, like, I can have a lot of pressure with work, a lot of financial challen, you know, a lot of like stressors and things that, I was thinking about this the other day because even now I've just got so much going on and, um, I was like, wow.

I think a lot of people would be, um, would, would sort of have like be very nervous or anxious in this state. It just sort of, I was able to stand back and be like, wow, I don't have any, Nervousness or anxiety with like huge workload and all these commitments and all of these things going on. And, um, that's I think a testament to a lot of this, this process.

Um, the other thing I, I've noticed that is a little bit like what I was talking about with manifestation, but I think, um, it is, uh, like I think that human, we, human beings are like magnetic. I think that [00:28:00] we, um, the more that we become our true, we align with our true selves, our true nature, um, we start to just like emit um, an energy that other people just like resonate with more.

And that it, it tends to draw people and opportunities and experiences in. So I've noticed, um, this continual acceleration over the years, and especially in intensification of that over the last two years where, uh, I just have attracted, um, Like, one example is that, um, I started hosting parties at my house and at like one of the, you've been to, you've been to some of them.

Um, one of the parties that I hosted, um, I had a friend who was a crypto billionaire and I didn't even know that he was, and he had a mentor who's also super successful in the space. Um, and I had been having dreams and visions of a, a group of like [00:29:00] conscious, wealthy, empowered leaders basically, who, um, would work with other leaders and use tools like neurofeedback and crypto and, um, biohacking and, and vision and exercise, like all these different things to basically raise the consciousness of leadership and have a positive impact, um, on the world.

So I'd started having those visions, um, from, from the very beginning of like my neurofeedback journeys and then, Like a year ago at one of my parties, these two billionaires just come up to me and they're like, Hey, we want you to help us create this group that is gonna transform humanity and raise consciousness.

And so we created the, the group together. And um, it's going amazing. Like, and now it's especially right now with, um, like excitement and interest in crypto, sort of like regenerating even more, like it's even getting, um, it's growing further, but there's just opportunities [00:30:00] like that, that always are, are now like constantly, um, uh, people and, and cool things like that will just sort of come to me, um, without me even trying or seeking, seeking it out or maybe just having a vision but not even knowing how it will come into being.

Um, and I think as we, um, we like brainwaves I think are also sort of like signals. They're signals that get. Sent out or broadcast, and each signal kind of carries different information or different layers of information. I think what would broadcast on Alpha would be different than what you would broadcast on gamma and data and so on.

Um, and I can talk a bit more about how I personally like use those different waves for different, um, for different functions. But, um, I think being able to just like become a more powerful antenna in the world, um, is very value. It's the very useful, very valuable.

[00:30:59] CK: [00:31:00] So number one, let me just say awesome.

Thank, congratulations for the transformation from someone who is a everyday householder who is pretty calm, but still has stresses to now today where you can be, shall we say economist, joyous. Mm-hmm. Right? Uh, objective, uh, observer. Even when the external. Uh, stresses of everyday material life still is there, right?

You can actually just watch like, Hey, you know, I'm still thriving, even though there's a lot of stresses. That's amazing and also amazing that you quote unquote attracted these type of people in your life. Okay? So I'm there with you. I agree with you, Anne. Let me, you know, now use the, the voice of a, a skeptic now.

Yes. Hey, Tony, you're very blessed. You know, is it, are you sure it's not confirmation biased, right? You're, you know, retroactively say, oh yeah, this is why these good things are happening to me, versus the [00:32:00] causal relationship. Like, Hey, I did all these things and now I'm, I'm calling forth. I'm evoking, um, um, these great opportunities that, that's, uh, that's in your life.

[00:32:13] Anthony: Yeah. Um, yeah. Well, it's, it's interesting. I would say, um, I'll, I'll give you, I'll give you a, a, a specific, like how I would respond to that isn't, isn't necessarily universal, but I'll give you like a personal response that I think, um, like illustrates like why I think it's more energetic and frequency, um, base.

Then, um, there everything is complex. So a lot of it is like actions that I took, the positions that I put myself into. Um, it's never any one thing, but in the context of even this, um, crypto, um, consciousness group [00:33:00] that I mentioned, um, I'm not like a, I'm not like I'm getting better at crypto, but at the time I was like inexperienced and I don't have, I didn't have crypto wealth or, um, anything like that.

Um, And so what was interesting about these, um, these two really, really high level individuals in the space, like knowing that I'm not a crypto expert, knowing that I only have, I didn't have crypto wealth at all. Why? They wanted to make me like an equal part of what they're, they're doing is it's like there's something that they sense on a, on a consciousness level or an energetic level or on a happiness level or whatever you wanna call it.

I don't know the right word, cuz everybody will have a different definition of that. But, um, and yes, I have some like marketing skills and like some business skills. It's not like I'm just like sitting there like a Buddha, um, in the corner, just out, but, right. Um, you're [00:34:00] householder. Yes. Uhhuh, yes. But it's, it's, um, it was largely, uh, it's, it was largely about my, um, there's just no other way to put it.

Like my consciousness or, or, or, um, Energy or in terms of like that, that quality of being that I would bring to the, to the group. Um, and that's sort of my point, whatever you wanna say about like, law of attraction or manifestation. Um, the, the quality of being like who we are and, and like that, that, um, cultivation of the, the being that we are from moment to moment that determines so much of our reality and our experience and ultimately the opportunities that we have access to and life because people want to be around other people whose being makes them feel really good.

And so if your being is like joy, a joy to be around for people, they're gonna want [00:35:00] to include you in, um, things, businesses, parties, masterminds, whatever it happens to be. Podcasts next. Um, Maybe you wouldn't access, you wouldn't be able to access if, um, if your being were like more fr you know, were a cause of friction or didn't make people feel good.

Um, and, and all I'm saying is that I think a lot of, or part of what I'm saying is a lot of, uh, this work in terms of, um, and some of it's plant medicine, some of it's brainwaves and plant medicine, by the way, is like one of the most profound ways to also change your brain, your brainwaves. Like what I've, what I've seen in terms of research.

And I, and I can also say from my own experience, having done so much training that, um, uh, doesn't always require, like brainwaves are always present. So, um, doesn't need tech. You don't need technology to change your brainwaves. Just feeling gratitude in a moment will actually [00:36:00] change your, your brainwaves.

But, um, a lot of the research on, um, psychedelic experiences usually shows high levels of. Of at least theta and gamma, um, brainwave activity, um, during, during the experience. And I've seen that for ketamine and I've seen that with ayahuasca. Um, um, M D M A I haven't really seen, analyzed, but I imagine there's a lot of gamma and alpha and joy, uh, joy focused, um, brainwaves and, and so, um, yeah, it's a, it's a profound way to do the work, and all I'm saying is like, um, I just wanna inspire people to keep doing that work and becoming more powerful transmitters in the world.

[00:36:45] CK: Yeah. So, like I said, I was giving voice to skeptical, you know, responses. My, my, my point, I'm mentioning that is this, this is what I get, right? Yeah. At the end of the day, my job as a mindset coach [00:37:00] is to support people to engineer their internal narratives. Whatever their narratives may be. Hey, if they like law of attraction and this helps their life, fantastic.

Do that. Right? If they like how to win friends and influence people, be a high vibe person everywhere you go, fantastic. Go do that. In the end, I just want people to have a great life, you know? So yeah, this produce results, you know, Hey, go try it. If it works for you, fantastic. Do it. So, um, I do want to dive in deep a little bit.

Uh, Victor Franco said this beautiful quote, I always refer back to it, between stimulus and response, their lives in the space, and in that space, lies are freedom and growth. Yeah. Hmm. Um, so since you have master brainwave states, you can be at high ga, high alpha, or delta or gamma, whatever the case may be.

You have a lot of options in between that stimulus and response. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So how do you. [00:38:00] Choose, like, Hey, I just want to feel transcendent, right? Like, I drink ayahuasca or, you know, all day today. Or, you know, you have that finer control versus, yeah. You know, other people do not.

So tell us a little bit more about, you know, how do you choose, oh, today I want feel moderately joyous, but not transcendent where I'm one with God and all. Like, how do you, like what goes through your mind since you had that fine control?

[00:38:30] Anthony: Yeah, that's a, that's a, that's a really good, really good question.

Um, I mean, I think, you know, I would say that over the last, um, here, here's the interesting thing about my journey and my story as well is that, um, you could say with all this like brainwave stuff that I've done is that like I have a, a supercar. Like I have all, I've, I've created all of this capacity.

It's like a very sophisticated. Engine in terms [00:39:00] of modulating my state. Um, but it's one thing to have, have that, like, have that supercar. It's another thing to like know how to drive it. Um, and so I still am very much in the process of, of learning how to drive, like how to, how do I actually use all the gifts and use all of these capacities in a way that serves me in all of these different ways.

And that helps. It's helpful to others. And, um, and that's, that's a learning curve. And just because you can tap into, um, super, super states, um, that doesn't mean that you don't have, like, it doesn't automatically clear, well I'll say, I'll say this, A lot of, a lot of the brainwave work will kind of put you face to face with traumas and with sort of like inner limits.

And then you do have to, um, feel through those and break through those if you want to keep going. To higher levels, but, [00:40:00] um, can you pause on that real

[00:40:01] CK: quick? Actually in my mind, cuz I did with Dr. Drew very, very brief, you know, sessions. Mm-hmm. He just hooked me up to effectively a video game with, you know, to my brainwave and then I can watch what it works.

Yeah. And I'm projecting this, correct me if I'm wrong, um, based on what you said, there's probably some kind of prompt while you do that. Is that accurate? Or like how did, how did you come up with confronting the one that

[00:40:29] Anthony: I know, I know, I know the type that you're talking about, um, where you watched the video game, that's s smr, so that's like more of a flow state generally you're, you're training SMR brainwaves when you're doing the video game and that's, that's more of like a flow state performance brainwave.

Whereas, um, a brainwave that I, that you would utilize more for healing would be like Alpha Theta or, or gamma. Uh, gamma is a little bit [00:41:00] rare in the sense that like, people haven't developed protocols for utilizing gamma to heal. But like in alpha and Theta, there are some existing protocols where you can kind of go back into your past or into trauma and then go through processes that will allow you to transform or uproot or clear or rescript, um, things that happen in such a way that you, um, you actually like, heal on a deeper level.

Um, and it's actually to continue advancing in those brainwaves. It's actually like a necessity that you do that if you want to, like Alpha, for example. So you start to feel, what typically happens in Alpha is like, you can, you can increase it by feeling like a level of gratitude or joy and, and feeling that gratitude or joy sort of like expand into the space.

But what happens is that you'll start to hit a limit. Of how joyful or how grateful you can feel and how [00:42:00] expanded you can feel. And as you hit that, um, limit quite often, like, uh, a trauma or a fear or some kind of tractive element will like appear. And then you've gotta work with that. Um, and you can do forgiveness or you can use any number of tools, but, but if you actually work with it successfully in that state, then your al then your level of joy and like your, your, you can actually see on the charts.

Your alpha will go up, you'll go into like a more, you an even more expanded state and even more grateful or joyful state. And that's part of the beauty, um, that's part of the beauty of the work. Um, but the point that I wanted to make in bringing all this up is that, um, just because you can like, like someone like me can control my brainwaves, it doesn't mean that like I had nece necessarily transcended all of like my own limiting patterns or, [00:43:00] you know, things like, I would see recurring things still in relationships where I wouldn't like speak up, like, like, I don't know, speak out a need or I would, I would repeatedly be drawn to sort of like the same type of woman that wasn't necessarily like the best type of person for me.

Like stuff like that. Um, that wisdom still has to be built through experience. It's just like having more brainwave access. Um, I think what it does is that it can speed up the cycle because you're just more present and more conscious, but there's still no substitute for actually doing that work and being present and, and being conscious of like your whole, um, your whole process.

And so, um, that's a, that's a big part of my, my, my journey as well. And like where I put a lot of tension in the last couple months. As I started to like really want to understand, um, how I could utilize brain [00:44:00] brainwaves to manifest more to actually, or alter reality in my reality in some way and impact, um, have impact on, you know, more people and expand my vision of what's possible and to create more in the world.

Um, I started to realize how I wasn't, there was a, there was a way in which I was not, um, as conscious or intentional about all my thoughts and about, um, but not, not content of thoughts, but more about the, um, the, the sort of capacity of, of like what I was holding in mind and so I

[00:44:40] CK: The intentionality what you wanted

[00:44:42] Anthony: intentionality exactly.

Mm-hmm. To where I started becoming hyper conscious of like my intention and what I was holding in mind, um, throughout the day versus like, Sort of being in, in that intentionality, but then sometimes drifting out and, and allowing myself to [00:45:00] be more distracted or disconnected. Um, and what that has done, um, has been really profound because then, um, as you're in a, an, a state of more, um, constant intentionality and about what you're feeling and the state that you're in and what you're holding in mind, that has allowed me to pull more on, you know, out from these like brainwaves, um, that I have access to.

And I can, and then I can utilize those where it's like, okay, I wake up and I'm like, okay, what do I want to create today? How do I see my day? Like I can actually go into a theta state and I can visualize the day as I, you know, as I imagine it perfectly. And I can actually like live out the, the day for a few minutes in meditation in the morning.

And then, um, I can use Alpha to like, feel into like, okay, how do I wanna feel? How joyful or how grateful do I want to feel? I can leverage like [00:46:00] that gear, if we think about it, like a gear to a car, I can leverage that gear, um, as I need. And then, um, with Gamma, I can, um, I mean, gamma does a lot of things. It sort of, uh, it connects the hemispheres of the brain and it, it sort of weaves everything together.

So when you have a lot of, um, a lot of different things going on in your, um, in, in your, um, in your, in your mind, but also in your body and your, in your, uh, nervous system and everything going into a state of gammel will just like, organize it at all. And I think, um, it allows you to take action on it and also download things, you know, as a writer.

Um, like when I need to get a lot of, um, writing done in a short period of time, I've found that I can just go into a gamma state. Get almost like a huge packet of information. And then, and then I'll just start typing and then it will just like come out, um, without, without even me having to think [00:47:00] about each individual piece of like what I, or what I downloaded.

It will just sort of all be in this, um, yeah, in, in this collection of information.

[00:47:10] CK: So, so, so what I'm hearing, there are two use cases now that you have this supercar. Yes. First case, uh, use case is before you start your day, you envision what's your ideal day, and then you can essentially visioner your day, you know, by putting yourself into state of gratitude or joy or whatever the case.

That's one use case. Another use case is you're about to, uh, start a task, let's say writing something, and then you can use. The state of gamma as an example to mm-hmm. Get a download and then boom, you know, right away you can just write things down. And then what co So number one, is that an accurate reflection of what you said?

Yeah. Cool. All right. Yeah, so, so, uh, what I'm also connecting is Tony Robbin calls it priming. Mm-hmm. So [00:48:00] by having this supercar, you can easily prime yourself Yes. To execute a specific task using a specific, you know, gamma for creative writing as an example.

[00:48:10] Anthony: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like Tony, I think he talks about getting into state a lot too, or something, some, some language to that.

Um, some language to that effect. And yeah, that's, um, that's a really, really good use. Another thing that I will say, like, like I said, as I've, as I've become really fascinated by like, how do we create our manifest things? And there's people that believe that, um, Um, like there's a difference between thinking of or thinking about something and thinking from, so every, we all have desires, but if you think of about what you desire, most people think about it, and I, and I fall into this category of like, I would think, um, they think about it in a way that separates themselves from it.

It's like, I want it, but I don't have it, so I'm gonna think [00:49:00] about it in that way. Um,

[00:49:02] CK: striving It's, yeah, striving. Let me, let me, let me, I don't have it, so let me strive for it.

Yeah. Let me get

[00:49:08] Anthony: that thing. Mm-hmm. Like, how can I get it? What do I need to do to get it? Like that sort of, all of those thoughts.

Um, whereas there's a school of thought that believes that, um, if you assume, like, assume that you already have it and then, um, ask yourself and, and like actually utilize these capacities to say, how would I feel? Who would I be in that state? Like if I already had. What I was, what I was creating, and I don't separate myself from it, but I assume that it's here now and that I feel as though it's here now.

How would I feel and how would I live? Um, and that is a very different state than the state, the separateness state of like wanting and striving. Um, it's a much more energized, much more complete, much more at peace state because you're not, like, you're [00:50:00] not reaching and grasping. Um, and it's sort of a paradox because people think like, oh, but if I do that, then I won't be motivated to work hard or, or go after it or chase my goals or try to get this thing if I already believe that I'm there.

But, um, there's, it's a paradox because I think our system knows what to do and when we feed it that, um, when we feed it sort of that sensory input of like, it's already here and that I'm not separate from it and it's not out there in the distance, but. It's in my field now. Um, and if you really wanna get like, really esoteric, like it's, it's already exists in like another dimension and that maybe it's just not like arrived yet in this dimension and that, um, but if you hold it in mind and in this energized state, and then this is where, the reason I'm bringing this up is cuz you're asking how do I utilize, um, brainwaves?

And one of the biggest ways I do them now is that like, [00:51:00] as I hold this feeling of like, whatever I'm creating as though it we're already here, I can use brainwaves to kind of stay in that state and stay energized in that state. Um, because what you'll, I think what most people will find is if they go into a state of like what their, what they want to create, if they go into that state that it's already here, they'll feel amazing.

They'll feel really high, they'll feel excited, they'll feel like grateful. They'll feel all these incredible things. Um, but then what happens is that like life, like life hits and they, they think, oh wait, like I look at, they look at their bank account and millions of dollars are not in their bank account or their, their relationship is like, not the, you know, the dream relationship that they're holding in mind.

And then they're like, oh, it's not real. And they sort of like, their state drops. But if you can actually continue even in the, even in the evidence to the, even in like, like light of evidence to the [00:52:00] contrary, if you can like state in that high state that it's already here and that you this feeling of knowing that like, this is real.

Um, and this is like, it's an interesting game to play to yourself, but I've been experimenting with this lately. Um, can I just stay in that state more and more and more regardless of like what's going around in my life or my world? Um, and I've been utilizing def like my access to brainwaves to sort of stay.

In, um, in that higher state, more continuously throughout the day. Um, and it's been amazing, at the very least. I mean, a lot of new opportunities have come into my life, but what I'll say, one of the biggest changes is that like me being in this state of more just like, like infinite possibilities and not cutting off the flow of like, what's possible because it's like not realistic.

Like really just standing in that space of infinite possibility. Whenever I have communications about people, about their dreams or what they want to [00:53:00] create or what they're doing, um, I'm bringing like so much more energy and possibility to like our interactions, our conversations, our experience that they always walk away being like, oh my God.

Like I feel, and like people have had miracles, like people have had conversations with me and they like got new clients or they got like $80,000, somebody just sent them out of the blue. Like really weird stuff that I think is a sign that, you know, we. As we change our state and, and we live from a different state, like, like life around us, reorganizes,

[00:53:33] CK: Hey man, uh, this is noble warrior. So you're speaking to someone who, again, right. The, the mental models. I, I'm right there with you. And again, this is my personal narrative. I used to came from the world of data. If there's no data, I don't believe it. Mm-hmm. So I was always in the mindset of striving. Mm-hmm. And that works to a certain extent, but it wasn't very fun.

And, and [00:54:00] now where I'm at today is, as you said, the reality I desire already exist. Who am I being so that I evoke or invoke such reality to manifest? And so this is the way I, I rationalize to my logical mind. Mm-hmm. Hey, sk scenario, I got everything I want. Worst case scenario. I have a lot of fun doing it.

Yeah. You know? Yeah. What's the loss exactly? Fuck yeah. Let's go.

[00:54:25] Anthony: You know, it's kind of like, um, Pascal's wager in a way. Did you ever hear that in, in philosophy? So it was like, if you believe, if you believe in God, um, and he exists, great, you go to heaven. And, um, you didn't really sacrifice a lot. If you don't believe, if, um, you know, if, and if, if you believe in Gotti again, if, and he doesn't exist, then, you know, you haven't, you haven't made a huge sacrifice.

But if you don't believe and he does exist, then, you know, like [00:55:00] the, the point is, is that like the, there's not a lot of, with me whether I manifest like a million things, uh, a million amazing things or not. Like that's, that was sort of what I was also getting at is that, um, Being you have a lot more fun because you're just, you're not feeling like in that striving, seeking I'm incomplete.

I won't be happy. Cuz so much of that process is like, I can't be happy until I get the thing, and then when I get the thing, I'll be happy. And we all know that's not, you know, we get the thing and then we're, you know. That's right. That's right. It's like, yeah, such a let down. Yeah, we're onto the next, we're onto the next thing.

Whereas if you actually bring the, the sense of completion and happiness here now, um, you kind of don't care whether you care le you still want the thing, but it doesn't matter as much whether it appears or not. And then somehow the, the,

[00:55:56] CK: the attachment, right? Yes. The attachment, it [00:56:00] relaxes. And then, and, and, and here, here's the interesting thing.

I'm speaking to the younger CK as, as an example. When the attachment relaxes, guess what? I, I personally, I'll make it personal. Have more access to new opportunities that I just wouldn't see otherwise. New ideas, I wouldn't see otherwise. New, innovative results or innovative thoughts like, oh, I never thought I can, instead of just, this is the only way, now I can go this way, this way, this way, this way.

Infinite number of ways. So I'm not limited to just one way.

[00:56:34] Anthony: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. That's a very, that's a very practical, um, it's a very practical way to, to look at it, because a lot of times too, I've noticed that too. Like if I've had a, um, some kind of challenge in life, like I, I need something or I need to create something, and then, um, sometimes I just, when you relax and you let go of the attachment, all of a sudden something that was like in your, in [00:57:00] your life or like a con, it could be a contact, it could be an, uh, a person, you know, whatever it happens to be like.

The help is already there, but like, because you're in that closed or, or anxious or tense state, it wasn't like there was no space for it to appear. And then all of a sudden, um, by just that subtle shift in your state, like all of a sudden it's like it comes to the services like, oh, why didn't I think about that like two weeks ago instead of stressing, it was there for me all along.

But, um, it's about that openness to it.

[00:57:33] CK: So I want to double down on, um, anchoring a state cuz there's state changes and there's stages, right? In my mind how I'm articulating this is yes, you meditate, yes you drink ayahuasca and you may experience temporary mm-hmm state change, but it's only through, um, prolonged practice.

Then you can lengthen that space between stimulus and response and recall the state of [00:58:00] joy or gratitude even when, uh, when. C uh, circumstances are really tough or, you know mm-hmm. Whatever the case may be. Right. So in your practice now that you're more conscious about, um, sustaining that state of gamma as an example mm-hmm.

What specific things are you doing to help you anchor that state so you can lengthen that time of gamma or that way of high vibes or bean or infinite possibility? All those things.

[00:58:32] Anthony: Yeah. Yeah. Um, I have a couple answers for that. Like, I would say that of course, you know, like the, there's no substitute for the fundamentals.

So meditating, meditating is a, is a way to integrate and embed. So, you know, whatever you access, like in a, um, Plant medicine or, or brain wave training or whatever, any kind of healing experience, [00:59:00] um, you know, just like consistent meditation or mindfulness practice will help integrate that more, or just make it more of like a deeper part of your being.

Um, I find that, like for me, um, breath work is really powerful as well for, um, like reactivating gamma, uh, like gamma brainwaves in particular. Um, especially like the faster types of breath work, like, um, um, like this huff and puff kind. Like, um, I'll send you, I'll show you some examples. I don't know if you have show notes, but we can put, um, yeah, we can put some examples for people.

But, um, that's one of the ways, um, yeah, I mean I've explored, I've explored so many things. One of the, um, but the idea of anchoring to me is also, um, It's a, it's a, it's a deeper question because I think, um, there are ways that [01:00:00] we can, um, how can I put this into words without going too, uh, esoteric?

[01:00:06] CK: You can go as esoteric as you like.

[01:00:10] Anthony: I think that, um, like gamma is, is one, but I'll, I'll, I'll brainwaves give you access to sort of what, like Joe Des benzo people call like the field, like the field of consciousness, the field and, you know, we have our own fields and then we have like, shared fields with people. And I think that, um, I think that we can, um, like we can start to by what we hold energetically and like what we hold in my, like having a, a force of intention.

As we, as we modulate our state, we can actually like install things into our, our nervous system and into our field that basically like will self. Perpetuate. Um, and so we'll like keep you anchored. Like you don't even have to bring up an anchor. I think [01:01:00] it's, it can be powerful, like if you have an image or you have a word, or if you have something that you can associate with the state that will recall that state for you.

But I think even the next level is like the state is just running, um, it's, it's self, it's self-running. You don't even need the anchor. And so that's where I'm, um, I'm, I'm really curious and sort of exploring like how do we, how do we do that? Um, and it seems like, um, that is like one of the, I I would say like one of the things that has really fascinated me about the, the manifestation process and like the being hyper conscious of what you hold in mind and the state that you're in all the time is that I.

I think, um, our desires in that, in that more desires that are pursued in that more conscious way, they, um, they come up in us as like a, it's almost like a [01:02:00] spiritual carrot. It's made for us to, um, to hold in mind and then to go through a process where then we have to transform in order to like realize that, to, to manifest it.

To actualize it, right? And then at the end of that realization or that transformation, um, what we, what we actually like pursue doesn't really matter that much. What matters is like who we became and the growth that we achieved in that, um, in that process. And so, um, I think it's like super important to, um, to, to really figure out like, um, I think that there's a difference between.

Desires that we're conditioned to have, uh, and desires that are really like spring from the heart and that are really authentic. And those, I think, um, when we turn sort of our manifestation capacity, [01:03:00] our, our focus, our intentionality, our state, our, our, our ability to feel all of those things and we direct it at something that is really, comes from our heart and is really inspiring to us, um, I think it becomes a super powerful vehicle for self-actualization that will take you through all ranges of like experiences and opportunities and serendipities that will, um, cause you to grow in ways that, um, wouldn't be possible if you didn't pursue that, um, desire.

So that's why I've become so interested in, um, quote unquote manifestation is not, um, About what you get, but about it, the process as a catalyst for growth and awakening.

[01:03:48] CK: Yeah. I mean at the end of the day, it's not about the thing that we want, right? I mean, yes. The thing that we want give us, at least again, I'll make it personal mm-hmm.

Gives me a very short-lived satisfaction. [01:04:00] But ultimately what I care about today is who am I being? Mm-hmm. In that, am I being joyous? Am I being inspiring? Whatever the case may be. Like whoever's watching and listening. Yeah. To me that's the more important because as they say, people are not gonna remember what you do or what you say.

They're gonna remember how you make them feel. Mm-hmm. So who you be in my mind is the most, um, powerful source to that. Yeah. So I want to ask you a question cuz you are about all about, um, You're good now, right? You can manage, you have a supercar of a mind. You can mm-hmm. Change your state at, at, at, at, at will.

Um, now you want to build community that helps perhaps in a more scale way to shift consciousness. Mm-hmm. What's the dream? Can you tell us a little bit about what you're building with these crypto guys and what do you want to do and all those things?

[01:04:54] Anthony: Yeah. I'm, I'm working on a lot of things. Um, yeah, the, the, um, the [01:05:00] crypto group, it's called the Conscious Wealth and Influence Collective.

Um, that is one, um, that is one dimension. It's more, uh, it's smaller group. It's more high ticket. It's more, it's more of like a top down approach. So it's about like helping leaders raise their level of consciousness. And then the, the ultimate dream of that would be to create like a, I don't know, to use a Star Wars metaphor, like a Jedi council of.

Of people that are like of the light, that have also though a lot of power and resources that, um, can come together and think about, um, different challenges or problems or changes that are possible in the world. And then have the ability to actually like, move chess pieces around and, you know, on the planet in order to facilitate change in these areas.

So that's like the, the long term, um, vision of that. And we are incorporating like brainwave training and a lot of this stuff, um, in that, um, in that group as well. [01:06:00]

And then, um, the other, um, the other thing that I'm doing right now is working on, um, working on actually like a series of products, um, that will help people activate more gamma and, and other, other brainwaves basically, um, including all the way to like the free.

Like, um, things like where you don't need technology, basically just things that you can do to, um, enhance, yeah, enhance your brain waves on all levels, specific meditations, breath work, um, other practices and things like that. Um, so that'll be coming out in a, um, in a few months because I also do want to like, give everyone like more access to this stuff and at whatever level they're, you know, they can afford or, or participate, including even like, again, free, um, free tools.

But yeah. Um, and then I'm, I'm starting more to get, um, speaking opportunities around this topic because [01:07:00] I think, um, it's becoming a really interesting emerging field of like, how can we, um, now that there's actual like science behind a lot of this, it's like, what if, um, Our ability to be happy is actually just a matter of modulating like our nervous system and our brainwaves and our, um, you know, the energy in our, in our system, and that we can train this and all of a sudden through training, we can access, you know, we can just go directly to states of happiness without having to need a drug, without having to have even success or any of the things that we thought were requirements to be happiness.

Just go straight to the state, um, directly and be able to stay there or go there as much as we want. And so that's like the big question or the, a big theme of what I'm pondering and like what I'm looking to teach [01:08:00] and, and share with people.

[01:08:02] CK: Amazing, man. I know that you have a hard stop at 45, is that correct?

Yes. Still is that the case? Okay, great. So we'll wrap. So what's one thing if people are still listening, right? They're inspired by Tony and his systematic way to build this super car of a mind, of a consciousness, what's one thing you wanted to leave them with?

[01:08:27] Anthony: Hmm. Um, I think it's,

yeah, it, it, a lot of it is, is, um, is connected to what I was saying earlier where it's really developing the discipline of thinking. Not just thinking, but thinking and feeling and being from, from, not, not about, but from the state of what you want to create in your life. And following those cues of like what excites you or what lights [01:09:00] you up most.

And then really making a decision, okay, like, this is who I am, this is what I want to create. And then being super intentional, you know, even down to every moment about what, what you're holding in mind, what you're feeling, and um, what energetic state you're in. And then, um, doing as much as you can in your life, um, you know, including meditation, like what you eat, like how you live your life to support your capacity to stay in that state.

Because I promise, like, as I've seen and as I've explored all different ranges of like experiences and psychedelics and neuro missed it. Like that, being able to stay in that place is really, um, it's, it's really, really profound. And, um, I think we all have that capacity and, and yeah, that's what I want people to, to leave with.

And I will say that doing things to unlock your energy, [01:10:00] Um, I'll share with you a meditation that I think is one of the, um, um, the most powerful like I've ever come across. Um, it's from sort of an esoteric Buddhist meditation that not that many people know about, but, um, apparently like Buddha, um, the, of all the meditations that he came across, like this was the one that he believed would lead to enlightenment fastest.

And when Buddhism went from India to China, like this was the, the one that was predominantly taught. Um, it's called white skeleton meditation. And I've done it. And, um, it has a really, really big impact on your energy, on your nervous system, on your ability to heal. Um, yeah, so I would love for you to like give that to people in the show notes or however you disseminate the information as well.

[01:10:51] CK: Amazing. Hey Tony, I wanna take a moment to really acknowledge you. Thank you so much for. Just, you know, our interactions, [01:11:00] you being nothing but kind and joyous, and you brought together some really cool group of people and from one seeker to another, right? Someone who's systematically experimenting with all different kind of modality in a very sincere, earnest way.

I just really appreciate how you live your life, how you, you know, who you're being. And I could see, I could see why those, uh, billionaires will say, Hey, man, may, may, all of the listeners in Embody and then be inspired by, you know, your way of being and, and, and do that for themselves. So thank you so much for being here on Noble Warrior.

[01:11:38] Anthony: Thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah, I really appreciate it. This is great.

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Anthony Flores

Anthony Flores is Stanford Philosophy graduate, acclaimed copywriter and brainwave/meditation record holder in various clinical neurofeedback institutes. One doctor called him a "Gamma God" because he displayed the brainwaves of a monk with 50,000 hours of meditation. Lastly, he's building a community with a vision for using technology and crypto investing to raise consciousness and positively shift the planet.