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Wesly Feuquay, M. Ed.

Wesly Feuquay, M. Ed. Profile Photo

Master Coach and Trainer of Trainers

In addition to being known as “the guy people call when nothing else works,” Wesly is one of the most trained and accoladed individuals in the world in Spiritual Technology, Accelerated Evolution, Emotional Release Systems, and holds status as a Master Coach and Trainer of Trainers. He is also the Co-Founder the Rapid Rewire Method a training platform of his own design and. For 15 years, Wesly served as a psychological science faculty at Maricopa Colleges in Arizona, and created coursework for the Psychology of Consciousness and Mature Ego Development. He specializes in psycho-emotional integration for problems, negative experiences, trauma, debilitating barriers, and dis-serving identities. Whereas his favorite work is in life purpose discovery, uncovering inner brilliance, co-creative goal actualization, and cultivating peak human potential–basically, putting people back on their genius path.

Wesly's current mission is to educate and train therapists, counselors, coaches, and leaders in the Rapid Rewire Method, which is being positioned to be the leading edge of transformational psychology practices in the 21st century.

When he is not busy saving souls, he is riding two wheeled vehicles, or perfecting his 30 year old skills as a professional ballroom dancer and competitor!

May 22, 2023

167 Wesly Feuquay: How Rapid Rewire Method Can Transform Your Conscio…

Today, we're honored to host Wesly Feuquay, also known as "the guy people call when nothing else works." A Master Coach and a Trainer of Trainers, Wesly brings an unparalleled expertise in Spiritual Technology, Accelerated Ev...

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