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Sept. 17, 2020

086 Rob Angel: From Waiter to Bestselling Boardgame Inventor: Failures, Wins, Insights

Rob Angel is the creator of Pictionary® and author of GAME CHANGER: The Story of Pictionary and How I Turned a Simple Idea into the Bestselling Board Game in the World (38 million games in 60 countries before selling to Mattel in 2001) Today, Rob...

Rob Angel is the creator of Pictionary® and author of GAME CHANGER: The Story of Pictionary and How I Turned a Simple Idea into the Bestselling Board Game in the World (38 million games in 60 countries before selling to Mattel in 2001)

In 1985, while waiting tables in Seattle, WA, Rob found his “aardvark”. He started from using his college-worn Merriam Webster’s paperback dictionary, a No.2 pencil, and a yellow legal pad to create the first Pictionary word list, to putting together the first 1000 games by hand in his tiny apartment, to licensing the game around the world.

Today, Rob Angel is an entrepreneur, explorer, investor, philanthropist, and sought-after speaker on a mission to help others create their own success and best life by taking their first small step. From running with the bulls to swimming with sharks and parachuting out of airplanes, Rob seeks out adventure and aardvarks wherever he goes.

Wisdom Clips

  • My New Favorite Adventure Burning Man
  • What is Intuition My Definitive Step to Overcome Fear And Self Doubt
  • How I Breakdown The Smallest Step to Create a Game
  • When to Take Action And When to Listen to the Inner Voice
  • What 3 Bits of Advice Would I Give My 26-Year-Old Self
  • The Journey From Curiosity, to Passion, to Love
  • How I Kept My Faith Going Before I Had Traction
  • My Path to Refine My Purpose After Pictionary
  • My Advice to Those Going Through Existential Crisis
  • How I Use Challenges Intentionally For Growth And Personal Discovery
  • How I Define the Phrase 'Personal Journey'
  • Where And How I Cultivate Healthy Relationships
  • What Structures You Should Put in Place to Foster Productive Cofounder Dynamics
  • My #1 Counter-Intuitive Advice to Entrepreneurs
  • The Counter-Intuitive Power of Saying No



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