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Oct. 13, 2021

127 Jenn Lim: Beyond Happiness (& Tony Hsieh): Roadmap For More Impact, Profit, & Purpose

Before I introduce this week’s guest...

There I was sitting on the Delivering Happiness bus at the 2010 TED conference and Tony Hsieh (the CEO of Zappos) was pouring me shots. I thought I had made it.

(I was hanging out with the Zappos guy!)

Fast forward 10 years, when I heard the news we had lost Tony in late 2020. I felt a deeper sense of loss.

I only had a few personal interactions with him. By no means we were friends.

But unbeknownst to me, I saw him as a fellow Asian Noble Warrior who was actively pushing the envelope of cultural and business norms. I have grown to admire and respect him.

Jenn and Tony were at the forefront of a movement that is making "purpose” cool in business. They were co-founders of Delivering Happiness - they help companies create happier company cultures for a more profitable and sustainable approach to business. Tony was also her soulmate. They've been close friends for decades.

So this conversation was more personal and reminiscing of Tony. But this is also a conversation with a thought leader.

Jenn Lim is the CEO/cofounder of Delivering Happiness. They help companies create happier company cultures for a more profitable and sustainable approach to business.

She is the author of her new book Beyond Happiness How Authentic Leaders Prioritize Purpose and People for Growth and Impact.

Beyond Happiness offers inspiring stories from Jenn, case studies from 400 businesses, practical mental frameworks to implement these big ideas.

If you are a business leader who values your employees as assets, not expenses; and you want tactical ways to operationalize your value for more purpose and PROFIT, this is a conversation you don't want to miss.

Show Notes

✏️ How she lost her cofounder and soulmate Tony Hsieh and how it changed the book Beyond Happiness 5 weeks before the book is due

✏️ (60:10) Why alignment session amongst stakeholders is THE best tool for businesses to immediately inject more purpose, impact, profit in uncertain times

✏️ (39:24) The core quality that makes Tony Hsieh a business and cultural innovator

✏️ (51:53) The mental model she figured out after helping 400 businesses integrate people, purpose, and profit

✏️ (53:47)The case study of how Starbucks got even stronger after COVID

✏️ (23:38) The 24-hour resilience test - how to quickly determine how bulletproof you actually are

✏️ (29:05) (22:15) The 2 meta frameworks to uncover your deepest core values: movies and high-low moments

✏️ (46:58)How to influence a skeptical CFO about purpose and culture

✏️ (13:31)And finally the key life lessons she learned about happiness and purpose and resilience from losing Tony and her Dad


Beyond Happiness offers inspiring stories from Jenn, case studies from 400 businesses, and practical mental frameworks to implement these big ideas. If you value people and you want practical frameworks to bring more purpose and people, and profit in these volatile times.


Links & Resources

Buy Beyond Happiness


Delivering Happiness

Delivering Happiness the book

Steve Jobs quote

the Matrix

the Hero's Journey

Scary Close by Don Miller


Wisdom Quotes

"You just never know when you're going to impact a life. People remember when you show a simple gesture."


"Once we have our purpose and values then it doesn't really matter as much what else is swirling in the world"


"The irony of happiness is understanding of not necessarily working for your resumes, working for your eulogy. What do you want to remember for?"


"When you make different choices, bet against the grain of what you would normally do or what society wants you to do. That's when that hero's journey actually tests you to the greatest amount. "


"Because I feel comfortable with you so I can let my brain go and I don't have to feel so shielded and guarded to like trying to construct my words I can feel and hear and think all at the same time and be present"


"Being in that space without judgment. Judgment of others in no matter what whacky ideas they come up with. Or judgment of ourselves when we hold ourselves back because this is going to sound insane to others. Tony Hsieh didn't have that judgment."


"If you fear being ridiculed then you're probably around the wrong people."


"Brand is what you say and external expression of your company. And then culture is what you do on a day-to-day basis. And culture is especially what you do when the boss isn't looking"


"Alignment session creates a bigger sense of we're in this together. Do you want to stick it through and do you want to do it together?"


"You can have everything in the world, but you what is it really that we're all looking for?"


"Being true to ourselves is not just a concept or a construct. It's what are we going to do about that? Test ourselves, test what we believe in, and draft our purpose statements. It's never too early to do that and actually see what that looks like instead of living in a way that we were supposed to."


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